Aeon Flux "utopia or deuteranopia?" Episode Analysis part 6

After Gildamere pulls the plug on Clavius we turn back to Trevor Goodchild conversing with the journalist who confronts him asking if he knows where clavius is, and Trevor looking down at his monitor says "no!" in disbelief as he sees clavius malfunctioning and dieing while also seeing Aeon step into frame. 

Trevor immediately rouses the troops and seems to be making a plan to intervene and use the death of clavius to blame it on someone else or to atleast capitalize on the situation the fastest he can. We cut back to Aeon and Gildamere and we see their conversation go from being co conspirators to enemies as Aeon tries to ditch Gildamere.

A short fight scene insues when we see a close up of gildamere's hidden blade pop out of his wrist, he makes a swipe at her and Aeon dodges knocking him over. She approaches left of screen in a closeup kicking his hand out from underneath him which takes us to the next scene. 

The next scene contrasts with the previous closeup scene by showing us out of the facility a view looking up at the headquarters for Trevor Goodchild. We see his army in motion and then cut to a closeup side view  and front view of them running, we see the guy who was worshiping Aeon before in the odd sex scene is now in front of the group that is out to get Aeon.  

We pan over and see a shot of guards moving on the other side of the wall Aeon is hiding in as she stuffs a body into what looks like a compactor. As she does so we zoom out in a side view to see trevor goodchild discovering her for a split second before we see again from aeons point of view but now we are looking at her from where the body is  being loaded, adding to the suspense that she is about to be caught.

We see Trevor approach from behind and right before Aeon is about to dispose of the body Trevor jumps and lands on the door and kicks Aeon to the floor. Trevor looms over her in a very sexual way and we get another exchange between the characters which has a lot of sexual innuendo in it.

Trevor thinking the body in the dumpster is Clavius shouts to his men that he has the terrorist and that it is Aeon. When he opens the bag hes stunned to find out that it is Gildamere, Gidamere then tries to turn the tables and tries to prove that Trevor was behind the disappearance of Clavius but his evidence comes out to be useless when he tries to show the key Trevor has been carrying around is the evidence. 

Apparently this key he has been carrrying is what unlocks the suits the people of this world wear and allows them to have sex as we see the whole group of soldiers produce their own keys and Aeon takes this as an opportunity to turn the tables on Gildamere. Gildamere mumbles to himself that "i had the key and i gave it back to her" as he is walked off by the guards. Our camera turns back to Aeon from Trevorrs point of view and we see Aeon make her escape from the bomb that was planted earlier. 


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