Composition analysis



Composition within a character portrait is something that I havent been as well instructed on but I love looking at this guys work, for the level of detail and shapes he is able to put into this seemingly simple illustration. Its simple because its basically a 3/4 portrait of a character but the level of volume he portrays in the perspective of shapes is masterful. 

Starting with the color there is a nice red and green contrast going on with the background where he has a very light green in the backdrop next to a similar value yellow, He uses the flowing yellow lines from the background to interupt and point our eye in a circular direction if we start at the head we see waves that look like hair coming out the back and we see this carry through in the back and then point upwards to her face. We can also see these lines curving past the face and chin area of the woman. 

There is a lot of detail crammed into the repeating patters and this repeating patterns is a theme here in his work we can see every type of repeating pattern, strips moving horizontally or diagonally., balls, teeth, triangular shape objects, beads and the texture of the tongues on the headdress to name a few. 

There is some nice gradient effects that give some bounce light color to underneath the headdress and underneath the main necklace around her neck in the form of a light blue. it adds a vertain amount of dimension to an otherwise flat color base that stays in the blue, reds, and green area for the most part. Staying within these colors he is able to find all sorts of midtones that suggest other colors like yellow by paying with the values.


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