Perspective drawing Ryo-ta analysis

Perspective and anatomy. I found this ipiece from Ryo-ta on Deviant art and thought it would be a lot more useful for breaking down the perspective then what I saw yesterday. Below Ive downsizes the image and drawn the forms in 3 point perspective, making sure to include leading lines that form the planes the figures stand on. I also put next to it an image I found online of How to organize a figure in dramatic perspective by drawing the body shape as a circle or egg shape and placing the hips and shoulders down almost as if they are dumbbells to get an idea of how to orient the body. 

Immediately when looking at this side by side breakdown I noticed the shoulder shapes get shorter the more of the body we see and the more the hips and torso directly overlap the closer in size the dumbbell like shapes of the shoulders and hip are. I made sure to apply this observation to the below drawing to get an idea of how these things are positioned. 

What I noticed on tetsu's character immediately is that we have a strong side view that we are looking at from slightly above and this is communicated partly by hiding the right arm and shoulder completely behind his head. The dumbbell in fact falls right around where his temple would be. I decided to actually break down the shoulders and hips and place them side by side next to the image and here we can see the hips are not only smaller (Not as small as I would think) but they are also slightly pointing in a direction facing away with us with his shoulders facing us slightly. 

 I also did this for the other guy leaning on the bar on the left and noticed the shoulder portion also lands right around where the temple on his head is. The guy on the far right sitting on the chair has a shoulder line that falls closer to us on his head and so we get the chance to see a little bit more of his arm. This could be because we are slightly more above him versus being near to eye level with the other two characters.

Either way these 3 characters help sell the perspective. Yet I still wanted to break it down further into simple geometric shapes so I did so here.

Notice how these boces sit in perspective and how we see the top of the top plane the closer it comes to us. Also notice how if we replace the guy on the right with another circle (this circle is slightly off perspective) we can see it fits nicely over him and could be used to follow the perspective of the back ellipses in the background. 

I also wanted to break down some more perspective anatomy so I did here below and notice how I took the shape of the torso, hips and shoulders and placed them to the side redrawing them to understand better how they are positioned in space. 

The hips and shoulders do not overlap although it is close and could even be simplified down into a box form that points away from us. Notice also the clothing and how it wraps around the body gives us a clearer indication of how the ellipses turn in the form. There is strong foreshortening in the upper arm facing us, 


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