Aeon Flux "Leisure" story Analysis
This is actually a very subtle form of storytelling, for instance her pulling the microscope out and placing it on the table tells us that these objects will come into play later on, and this episode is based on these kind of callbacks. Later in the episode it wouldnt make sense for her to suddenly have a microscope and a bag so we would have to show it here. We also know immediately that she is out of food when she opens the refrigerator we see the empty fridge. Also just to drive the point home we see she seems to keep a man in her cupboard who seems to have eaten all the eggs while she was gone.
Peter Chang said he wanted this scene to be her in leisure, so its a little snippet of story of what she does in her free time when we see her reach for the whip on the cupboard to reprimand the man in the cupboard. She looks at him disgusted and angry when he tries to give her a taste on his finger and shuts the cupboard.
We then see her step out into an area overseeing a training area and see a girl fall trying to make her way through a series of gymnastic poles. Aeon approach and we get another call back opportunity here that will repeat later into the episode, which is she jumps through the series of gym poles flawlessly.
We then see her approach he alien spaceship and we know she is here to hunt for eggs, we see the environment as very orange and the spaceship has a green yellow tint to it and she enters through a trap compartment door. As she enters into the spaceship the room she is in is hot pink/red, which to me feels like and looks like an inner orifice and I would assume the vagina in some way. Everything in this show is either phallic (the microscope) or sexual in some round about way where you can tell they were limited with how they could show it so they figured all these odd ways of expressing it.
Once she makes her way to the end of the hallway she enters into a slit like room and makes her way down a green corridor and we see a nest of the eggs she is looking for. She scoops them up and puts them in her bag and right before she is about to leave she sees what look like a bunch of squiggly shapes on the wall. What is this? I have no idea maybe the ship is partly alive and is watching her?
Either way she decides to drop one of the eggs and immediately has a sexual urge like animation. She cant turn away from the eggs, maybe the eggs are really that good. Before leaving she takes out her microscope and uses the machine to kill the small insect in the petridish. Why she did this? I dont know either but it could be a foreshadowing of what she is about to face.
We see her leave back into the red pinkish room and we see a giant alien figure approach her. He goes to attack and she holds out an egg threatening to squeeze it. Obviously the alien is the parent to this egg since it immediately backs off, they even look similar with their egg shaped heads. Aeon makes a run for it and the alien pulls a lever that pulls up a series of poles as a self defense. Aeon then literally repeats the exact same animation as in the beginning again, except this time she is stopped short before she can make her exit.
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