Sebastian Krüger analysis
While I'm enjoying doing the story analysis of Aeon Flux IO feel like I need to dig deeper into doing analysis of pieces of drawings, because they are so beneficial. Right now on top of taking some schoolism classes I also am taking marco buccis class on the head. I wanted to add another way in which I could really make this information stick so Im going to be doing somme caricature analysis to really understand how they are changing the forms of the head.
Caricature artists work really well with taking different planes of the head and exaggerating them to capture the life of a person while using the components of the face to almost be abstract in their quality. Therefore it can sometimes be way easier to see the planes themselves.
What I first noticed about this piece is obviously how round the bottom of the face of Marlon Brando is but at the sametime when you break down the landmarks of the face you will see that the features of the face are all pretty much where they should be. To analyze this I first tried to do a trace over of the major forms and planes that I could see and make note of from what I could remember.
you can see the various features of the face and their landmarks done here in different colors. We can see for instance that the corner of the eyes and the corner of the mouth line up, giving you one way to check your proportions. Another way is the triangles I dropped over the face, for example we see from the outmost part of the nose intersects with the corner of the eye and then the brow of the head and if you connect the two you make a triangle. Likewise we have a similar triangle method for the mouth.
In blue I blocked in the major portions of the head and we can see that the longest space is between the lips and the chin, with the forehead and the nose to lip ratio roughly similar depending on where you divide it. The Brow I got confused with because it could have been lined up with the eyes and bottom of the brow or the top of the brow.
The orbitals of the eyes are very pronounced in this image and they create a good amount of contrast with the rest of the form because of the straight edges he uses around the outside of the orbital and contrasting that to the roundness of the flesh that connects his nose down to his chin. and as we follow the roundness of the bottom of the jaw (The mandable?) we see the clear plane changes as some forms such as the chin push out and catch highlights while the underside underneath the top lip and bottom lip are both catching ambient occlusion (Shadows).
To return to the eyes we see there is very large shadow shapes that encompass the eye and this along with the exaggerated staircase forms of the skin under the eyes really gives us the impression of how old he is. Now that I am looking at the top of the forehead the whole shape of his head feels like it is almost in perspective the way the chin juts out and the forehead recedes.
To compare I wanted to take this likeness and try to understand how that compares to an actual photo of marlon brando and comparing that to a Asaro head so I could trace over the planes to see how close I was. I find this to be a really useful way to do a study since its much easier to see how the planes connect with an asaro head next to your photo reference. I went through and broke up the forms and one of the other things I noticed was that how each end of a plane connects with one another.
For example the planes of the brow and forehead feel obscured in some ways from the flesh around it but once you drop in one plane you start to see the one it is next to..etc. Acouple of things I remember from Marco's class is to notice how the nose actually creates a S curve like rhythm from one side of the nose to the next and it actually intersects with two planes on the nose.
Also we can see that the chin, the under lip, the top and bottom lip and the snout like area under the nose all have 3 distinguished planes . We can also see that the flesh of the nose wraps around and goes back into the nose. Notice also the septum of the nose goes further down than the wings of the nose.
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