Harren Analysis
If we were to break this image up into 3 quadrants we would say the top 2 quadrants are taken up by the face in the sky behind our figures, while we also have a triangular shape dead in the center that helps points us up to our focal point. Our focal point is the white circular shape towards the right of the page. It draws our attention to it with the rays of light and its strong contrast to the other values/colors around it.
Harren differentiated the background midground and foreground elements in a interesting way, he uses silhouettes of what looks like power transformers to create a gradient map of color that flows between red, orange and yellow but they all look similar in value so none of the colors draw too much attention. There is also some textures in the silhouette in the form of white circles. The color contrast of orange and blue works really well here, nothing super complicated. Our foreground figures contrast with this midground element with the level of detail being the highest here and at the face of the giant looming figure in the background.
Really you could say there is a triangle in the figures head and the rays of light to draw out another triangle while the figure in the foreground extends another triangular shape upwards underlining the shape of the coin (or is it his eye?) directing our eye up. Its a very simple and effective composition and we can see that he reserves his blacks for the background and foreground element and is even keep enough to connect the shadow shapes of the front most character with the bigger black shapes in the scene.
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