Composition analysis
Well what a weird yet vibrant drawing , what we see here is some sort of head of a giant bursting through a floor as what looks like technicians are using technology around it and others fight some sot of bizarre monsters. Its really hard to figure out what this is about other than maybe technology being an alien life form? It definitely seems that way we see the figure in the top left being attacked by some sort of alien coming through the screen.
The art on the side of the arcade machine feels like it foes inward at a different direction than the perspective of the whole image so it almost feels like a tangent of some sort, my eye feels like it catches here for some reason but the piece manages to work. We see the main palette is a neutral green and blue that is used as the backdrop with the sky and background being a mix of purple and yellow.
The A.I. like life form bursting through is bleeding some kind of goo from its next area and the shape of the green around him makes it seem like hes wearing some sort of costume or something. Its super odd Meanwhile two mechanic like figures work on machines while they both look back at holograms that seem to be depicting what they should be doing . They have tools laying around them. These figures counter set each other and create a actually good sense of balance as they are all pretty much level with one another except when you go further up the drawing.
As we go further up we see a figure further in the distance up above which makes for some added perspective to the shot. Over all the image is set up to be symettrical but there is enough variation on both sides of the page to keep it from being a boring image. I love the crest of the eagle that sits in front of the really dynamic shapes in the back.
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