Character Analysis: Tooth
Here we can see the artist Tooth suggesting forms and the weight of forms by using simple line weights for ambient occlusion to make some sides of objects on the figure "weight" heavier than others. Ambient occlusion is where we see the darkest parts of the form where light cant get to. Here we see he has highlighted these parts in different areas to push the form forward and surprisingly the rest of the line weights look and feel about the same width for the most part. He accentuates some with a couple of more lines just to push the form and make it feel like it has more dimension.
Repeating shapes and overall design
There are several repeating shapes throughout the piece but I would suggest that for the most part these repeating shapes fall into the triangle category. For examples we see him bring the layer caking concept into this piece by having triangular or pyramid like shapes in the form of spikes that are on the armor, but we also see similar shapes that are more medium size in the stakes hanging from his belt, the teeth on the monster on his shoulder and the spikes on the weapon held on his back.
Another repeating element is the belt like straps that cover his body and different elements of the figure, We see belts on his right arm, also the belt covering his chest and the two or 3 looping belts on his waist.
The overall design has a asymmetrical feel to it where we see one side of his arm has a giant protrusion of armor sticking out of his silhouette while the other side is then balanced with a similarly large object in the form of the skull tied to his arm.
70/30 principle
The 70 30 principle works in this design in a very subtle way. We can see that the majority of the detail is mostly waist high and above in the image, throughout the bottom half of the design though we see straight lines going down the coat that hang over another diamond like pattern on the cloth underneath.
We see all throughout this "packages" of different types of rhythm in the form of big medium and small shapes. In the case of the coat that hands down in long parallel lines we then have a package of small shapes in the form of chainmail in the groin area and underneath the top layer of armor on his right arm.
If you're interested in seeing more of Tooth's art check it out here.
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