Character design analysis: Duran


This is a character illustration insteead of a stand alone character but for the sake of this character design I will be focusing on the front character only instead of the background. 

Notes on design:

There is a lot of interesting things going on in this design, first thing that grabs my attention is the contrast between gold and blue throughout the piece. The majority of the figure is in blue with only the trimmings and the mask in gold. This is perfect for the purposes of high contrast since we see the contrast get reversed in the mask with majority being gold with the eyes and the third eye like element in a strong blue. 

As we look around the piece we see other elements that are repeating throughout the design. Notice the skull like shapes of the shoulder and hip armor and even the appearance of a skull in and of itself is repeated in the design with the circle emblem on his left chest that holds a skull on it. 

More repeating patterns is in the circle shape that uses the layer caking method of not keeping all the shapes all the same size, we see a small one under his neck and a large one on his chest arrmor and a medium one on his arm. Another repeating element is the strands of chain or ornamentation that has small dagger like shapes that hang from his hips. We can only count 4 of them but we can imagine more and this again follows the rules of layer caking which tells us to consider including large medium and small shapes. 

In the Face and mask we have a lot of interesting shapes going on. We have the sides of the jacket that frame the robe like headress that  hangs over his head and then we have the crazy looking mask. This mask is so dope it completely breaks away from the design of everything else that feels more like a typical fantasy armor and becomes aline or occultist. In the detains we can almost imagine a plus like symbol that divides the head into four parts. 

The sword is also interesting in that it has two helms to the sword which suggests its heavy enough for him to hold it with both hands. 

You can find more of this artists work here.


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