Character design analysis: Jakub Rebelka

 Design notes

Looking at this piece the first thing I recognized is the heavy use of patterned lines that are sorted together into specific clusters. We see for example a zig zag pattern along the club the figure is holding that doesn't repeat anywhere else but we also see plenty of different patterns of lines and shapes elsewhere. 

For example in the chest area we get triangular shapes that are simply red and that point us downward down his body. We see that this triangular shape is common throughout the whole piece. The knife for instance is triangular, there are triangular shapes along his knee pad/ shin areas and small triangles on the bag on his waist. We also see this same triangular shape in the form of the hair strands and feathers hanging downwards.

Here with the feathers around the head we see the feathers following the layer stacking idea with only one side having the biggest feather and the other side compensating for this big size with a few small and medium shape feathers. One could say the nose is also very triangular in shape. 

The design is mostly symmetrical but we do see that it hangs slightly to the right side of him with the blue scarf hanging down from his side and he arms are not specifically the same. The gold plating on his right arm and red lines are different than on the left. Overall we have a back and forth play between long vertical lines covering his torso and arm with horizontal lines on his face, coat, arms and legs. The other unifying shape could be small circles that we see ornamented everywhere all over the figure. 


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