Tooth Wu analysis
Layer caking
The elements of layer caking comes in the form of square shapes and circles. So we have numerous square shapes in the form of the scribes that hang down from his belt which we would consider to be medium to large size shapes. We see that a flew of them have a triangle form cut out of the center keeping it consistent. In the middle we see a much larger shape that balances against the two longer rectangles on either side in the form of armor that looks like a plate with a cross on it. We see these elements as symmetrical in the design but not in his pose because the pose is dynamic obviously.
Here we also encounter another element in the form of the urns that hang down on either side of his belt and see repeating rectangular shapes on his hip and wrapped around his right forearm and even on his left bicep. The urns also have a rule of 3 design aspect to them with 2 longer ones hanging down from his robe and one center one hanging on his chest.
We see much smaller repetition of shapes in the form of the squares that hang around his upper body forming a X shape that holds the cross on his back. We then see these shapes repeated throughout as the chains are used to hold the figure to the cross. Likewise we see the repeating cross motif used throughout the image from the small pendant hanging from his left arm, to the giant one on his back or the one in his clothing.
Other things I like and notice about this design is that you can see a strong feeling of 3d to the image, I imagine the artist was able to accomplish this by knowing how to create 3d model sheets cause this is a very challenging aspect of drawing characters but it has a huge impact on how you draw them.
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