Character design analysis #26: Iteration and variety
I picked this piece to analyze today because I feel like these two characters are a good example of using iteration in a character design. In both of these designs we see the same or similar ideas and similar uses of elements but some are emphasized in one drawing over the other which gives us examples of how we can play with the scale and juxtaposition of elements to create more variety.
In the left for example we see medium sized bulbs around the body of the figure with 3 feather like shapes hanging from them next to his sword. All of which are framed on the flat shape of the dress hanging from his waist which carries no further than his knees, on the right however we have a higher emphasis on the bulbs around his waist which are now much bigger and the feather like shapes are now more like teeth that hang down. They are simple and small, contrasting against the now longer robe shape hanging from his body.
Other elements such as the feathers around and on his back carry in both designs but are more pronounced in the second piece with the first piece only having this at the top of the shoulders but also carries the feathers in other areas of the design such as the back of his shoes and the dress hanging down from his waist. Actually there are also small feathers hanging at the very end of his robe as well.
The tattoo designs and headress designs are another example of looking very similar in approach but completely different in execution. the lefts body is covered in more alphabetical tattoos while the other is more shapes and the headdressed while completely different both have the same symmetrical design to them.
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